I never FELT so organised!

haha I love a good (bad) felt pun - even if it is my own!

But, seriously, look at all that lovely felt! mmmmmm

I have really had trouble finding a handy storage solution for all that felty goodness - it was all just stuffed into a box before, but then I came across the perfect solution on the future girl blog.
And I had such a nice time putting the plan into action the other night!

First, one colour in each folder...

Then into the file carry case - colours in rainbow order of course!

The only problem is, do the fleshy colours go with the pinks, the oranges or the 'naturals'?



  1. I'm looking and going to keep looking. It's the closest I'll get to a rainbow today.

  2. When I was still teaching we had a little store of extra things in the AP's office and I found myself asking one day if I could 'get felt in Mandy's office??" I never lived that down!! I love your rainbow felt storage, what happy organisation!!!

  3. What? But that sounds much more complicated to my usual stuffing-it-in-a-ball in the craft storage cabinet technique.

    Bet it FELT good though (har!)

  4. OOOOH pretty!
    and the other colours should have their own bit- behind the rainbow!
    Happy 2010!

  5. brilliant! my felt does get out of hand sometimes. My felt organization is much like Michelle's.


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