bring on the blues

Yay I heart blue! =)
I'm really excited about working on some blue projects this month, so it is kinda funny that my first project this month is pink - a bunny called Belinda =)
She is from a free Spotlight project sheet, and is for my work colleague Belinda's daughter.
I've still been knitting up blue squares for my patchwork blanky, and have a few other blue projects on the go.

It's been a beautiful weekend here, chilly but blue sky =)
It was my weekend off from work, so we spent it relaxing - a Noodle House laksa dinner (the Noodle house is famous in these parts for having the greatest laksa in town - this could be debated - I must get together with Beauzo to make official some of this debate -, but it is a mighty fine laksa!)and Wig & Pen drinks with friends on Friday night, followed by a late lunch then the X-men on Saturday and a fabulous sleeping in on Sunday =)

Also on Saturday I made two exciting purchases.....
Stitch 'n' Bitch Nation!!!!!
I have been looking for this everywhere, and was starting to think I would have to order it from Amazon, and suddenly there it was on the shelf before me.
I really like the bags, and the mudflap chick tank, among other things.
I must make a list of what i want to make....

The other purchase was a jar of Chilli Jelly from Food Lovers
Food Lovers is a divine gourmet food store, many of their products are made instore.
The Chilli Jelly is heaven with some brie on crackers mmmmmmmm
Visiting the Fresh Food Markets is really fun - there are stores selling organic foods, a great book store, amazing kitchen-ware and a pet shop with the cutest little kittens - awwww =)

Must go check out the Australia - Netherlands football match oooh I'm getting excited about the World Cup, and seeing all that orange is certainly increasing that excitement level!
I was living in the Netherlands when the last European Championship was played, and the atmosphere amongst the fans was amazing - I've never felt anything like it!

Ooh, just in case I haven't used the word 'excited' enough yet, I have just got my hands on the rest of the Veronica episodes I have been waiting on =D
(You interested Bertie?)



  1. I thought I was your Belconnen Markets buddy :( I dunno, show someone where they can get their favourite jelly and they stop calling...

    And waiting is totally for suckers, so bring VM on!!!


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