
Whilst there's been quite a bit of action in the Kuka kitchen lately, there hasn't been a lot of baking.

A lovely Sunday afternoon tea was the perfect excuse to put that right with this batch of profiteroles.

The flowers and butterflies on top were inspired by these sweeties, in the latest issue of Bolig Liv.

And, whilst the baking is mine, I'm afraid I can't take credit for the gorgeous photography - this beautiful shot was taken by a very clever friend =)


  1. Mmmm. Lovely profiteroles! Your styling is much better that the BoligLiv attempt!

  2. Oh, how delicious, you have inspired me, I can make some now I have my new oven. Thank you for such a delightful plate of goodies!!!!

  3. Mmmm I'll be dreaming of those lovely profiteroles tonight. YUM!


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