
It looks quite gloomy and chilly outside today - just perfect for popping in a film and indulging in my latest food obsession :: caramel popcorn.

I literally had a dream about making caramel popcorn one night, and just had to make some the next day. There are lots of recipes out there on the internet, many of which use glucose/corn syrup/cream, but I chose this one at real living for its simplicity - sugar, butter and golden syrup.

I like to add a generous sprinkle of salt too (mmm salty caramel!) - its best to do this while it is still warm so that it sticks. I cook my caramel for as long as I can without freaking out that it is burnt, because I like it to set crunchy. If you prefer chewy just cook it for less time.




  1. 1. You and your popcorn (shakes head mock-judgmentally )

    2. It was awesome outside today. You'll be sorry when we don't get beyond 10 all next week :(

    3. Renting a superhero movie? As if I don't already own them all, and available for borrowing cheap ;)

  2. thanks, no really thanks...I just SO needed to find something else I shouldn't eat...thanks!


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