i heart gingerbread!

There's been a lot of gingerbreading around these parts lately, and the latest recipe I tried out was a cracker so I had to share!

I've got LOADS of recipes squirrelled away to try out - the key criteria when I was picking one out last weekend was that it had to be melt and mix since my hand mixers are out of action (!) so there was no chance of a proper butter/sugar creaming.

The recipe is based on this one, but I changed it up a bit with spices and molasses (which I found tricky to get my hands on, but SO worth it!).

The biscuits are lovely and crisp, and taste a lot like traditional Danish brunkager (which makes sense, since now I look at the brunkager recipe they are really very similar.)

Here's the recipe =)

1. Set your oven to 170C

2. In a saucepan melt:
  • 125g unsalted butter
  • 100g dark brown sugar
  • 4 tbsp molasses

3. In a largish bowl mix together:
  • 325g plain flour
  • 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
  • 1 tbsp ground ginger
  • 1 tbsp ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp ground cloves
  • 1/2 tsp ground cardamom
  • 1/2 tsp salt
And maybe a teeny sprinkling of allspice and nutmeg, just if it's handy - (I should be more careful to write down what I do when I'm sprinkling willy-nilly!)

4. Let the butter/sugar/molasses mix cool, then add to the dry ingredients and mix into a dough. I found the dough quite oily - maybe the butter and molasses didn't mix or something?

5. Roll thinish (don't worry too much - mine varied between probably about 3mm and 6mm, and all of them worked out fine - just roll them as thinly as you think you'd like) and cut out.

6. Bake, in batches, for 9-10 minutes until light golden brown.

7. Enjoy! =)



  1. Thank you! I loved these so much and they reminded me of Queensland Gingernuts. How do you stop your dough sticking to the bench? Flour? Or? Future Bakers of Australia need to know.

  2. I have a pastry mat - like this one, but you could also roll the dough out onto glad bake, or just flour the bench =)

  3. Thanks for the recipe. I am cooking 60 gingerbread men for school so this will greatly reduce the time I need to spend standing in the kitchen!! I always roll out between gladbake and the dough being cold helps too.


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